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The Ultimate Guide to Cart Abandonment: Why It Happens and How to Fix It

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Shopping cart left alone in a digital store

Navigating the Complex World of Cart Abandonment

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding cart abandonment in ecommerce. In this article, we explore the various reasons behind this phenomenon, the impact of high cart abandonment rates, and strategies for remediation. Learn the difference between cart and checkout abandonment, and how you can improve your rates for a more successful online store.

Main Reasons for Cart Abandonment

Surprised shopper looking at unexpected costs

The primary reason for cart abandonment often boils down to unexpected costs such as shipping, taxes, and other fees. Shoppers add items to their cart, only to be caught off guard by these additional charges, leading them to exit without completing a purchase.

Current Cart Abandonment Rates

Percentage chart showing cart abandonment rates

As of July 2023, the cart abandonment rate stands at 70.72%. This means out of every 100 potential customers, approximately 71 will leave without making a purchase. Grasping this high rate is vital for ecommerce businesses to develop effective strategies.

What is an Acceptable Cart Abandonment Rate?

Gauge indicating acceptable cart abandonment rate

The industry averages a cart abandonment rate of nearly 70%. Though this figure seems high, it's considered normal due to the various factors affecting a customer's decision. Nonetheless, efforts should be made to lower this rate for increased sales.

Cart Abandonment vs Checkout Abandonment

Two split screens showing cart and checkout abandonment

Cart abandonment happens when items are added to carts but the shopper leaves before checking out. In contrast, checkout abandonment occurs when the checkout process is initiated but not completed. Differentiating the two aids in crafting tailored strategies.

Why Don't People Add to Cart?

Confused customer seeing high additional costs

Steep and unexpected fees often deter customers from adding items to their cart. Some shoppers add products to see the total cost with added fees, and decide against proceeding once these are revealed.

How to Calculate Abandonment Rate

Calculator and graph showing how to calculate abandonment rate

Calculate the abandonment rate by dividing the number of abandoned carts by the total number of initiated transactions. For example, if 1,000 calls to action result in 50 abandoned carts, the rate is 5%. Understanding this metric is crucial for your ecommerce success.

Turning Cart Abandonment Into Conversions

Cart abandonment remains a pressing issue for ecommerce stores, yet it also presents an opportunity for improvement. By understanding the underlying reasons and calculating your abandonment rates, you're on the path to optimization. Effective strategies can lower these rates, increase conversions, and boost your online sales. You're now better equipped to tackle cart abandonment head-on.

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