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Navigating the Maze of Broken Links: Why They Matter and How to Fix Them

Published by on in category SEO

Illustration of a broken chain representing broken links

Embark on a Journey to Eliminate Broken Links

Broken links are the bane of every website owner and can significantly impair your SEO efforts. Not only do they affect user experience, but they can also lead to penalties from search engines. This guide serves as your comprehensive roadmap for understanding and addressing the issue of broken links on your website.

What Are Broken Links?

Error messages for broken links

A broken link is a hyperlink directing to a page or resource that is nonexistent. Often, these are links to pages that have either been moved or deleted without implementing an appropriate redirect. Users typically encounter a 404 (Not Found) or 410 (Gone) status code from the server.

Why Are Broken Links Problematic?

Graph showing SEO impact of broken links

Broken links drastically impair user experience, leading to frustration and likely raising your website's bounce rate. Additionally, they can negatively affect your SEO, as search engines might downgrade your site's ranking due to these non-functional links.

Examples of Broken Links

Examples of different types of broken links

Examples of broken links can range from malformed URLs, omitted brackets, extra slashes, to incorrect protocols. Furthermore, broken links may arise when the host server is either misconfigured or overwhelmed, causing connection resets.

How Do Broken Links Occur?

Flowchart showing how broken links happen

Broken links often result when you modify, relocate, or erase a page without setting up a suitable redirect. Alternatively, they can happen if an external website alters or removes a URL you are linked to.

What is Broken Link Hijacking?

Diagram illustrating broken link hijacking

Broken link hijacking is a form of attack that manipulates expired, unlinked, or inactive external links on a webpage. Cyber attackers can exploit these links to compromise your site or divert web traffic.

Why Are Broken Backlinks Bad?

Impact of broken backlinks on brand perception

Besides impacting user experience, broken backlinks can also deteriorate your brand's reputation and credibility. Users may correlate your brand with the inconvenience of encountering a broken link, thus negatively affecting their perception of your website.

Difference Between Broken Links and Lost Links

Comparison between broken links and lost links

Though both detrimental, broken links are inactive links stemming from technical issues, while lost links are links that were once operational but have since become inactive. Both can undermine your website's authority.

How to Remove Broken Links from Google Search

Steps to remove broken links from Google search

To eliminate a broken link from Google Search effectively, you should update your site's content and ensure your server returns a 404 (Not Found) or 410 (Gone) status code. This notifies Google that the content should be de-indexed.

Closing Thoughts on Broken Links

Broken links can severely hamper your SEO efforts and tarnish the user experience on your website. This guide aimed to provide you with an exhaustive understanding of what broken links are, why they occur, and how to fix them. Armed with this knowledge, you can improve both your site's user experience and its search engine ranking.

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