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The Comprehensive Guide to Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Published by on in category Web Development

Graph illustrating Cumulative Layout Shift

Demystifying Cumulative Layout Shift

If you're focused on enhancing user experience and web performance, understanding Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is essential. In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn what CLS is, how it's calculated, and its impact on Core Web Vitals. Discover practical strategies to improve your website's CLS score and create a more stable, engaging browsing experience for your users.

What Is Cumulative Layout Shift?

Diagram of Cumulative Layout Shift affecting webpage elements

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a critical metric in Google's Core Web Vitals. It quantifies the visual stability of a webpage by measuring unexpected shifts in the layout as the page loads. These shifts commonly affect images, buttons, and text.

Examples of Cumulative Layout Shift

Webpage example demonstrating a high CLS score

An example of a large CLS score would be a webpage shifting suddenly due to a banner loading in the middle of your reading experience. These shifts can disrupt user engagement and result in a less-than-ideal experience.

How to Calculate CLS

Formula used to calculate CLS score

The Cumulative Layout Shift score is calculated by multiplying the Impact Fraction with the Distance Fraction. As these fractions increase, so does your CLS score. For instance, a calculation like CLS = 0.645 x 0.179 would yield a CLS score of 0.1154.

What Does CLS Measure in Core Web Vitals?

Core Web Vitals metrics including Cumulative Layout Shift

In the Core Web Vitals, CLS measures the instability of visual content. It sums up the shift scores for each layout change not within 500 milliseconds of user input, giving you an overall idea of your webpage's visual stability.

Understanding What CLS Measures

Illustration explaining what elements CLS measures

CLS quantifies the most significant layout shifts over the entire lifespan of a page. A layout shift happens whenever a visible element changes its position between two consecutive frames.

How to Resolve CLS Issues

Code snippet to set fixed dimensions to tackle CLS issues

You can resolve most CLS issues by setting a fixed width and height for elements on your webpage. This helps the browser reserve space before the element loads, reducing unexpected shifts.

What Constitutes a Bad CLS Score?

Graph showing good and bad CLS score ranges

A good CLS score is generally below 0.1, while a score above 0.25 indicates poor performance. It's advisable to use both lab and field data for a comprehensive evaluation of your website's performance.

Factors Contributing to CLS

Illustration of factors causing Cumulative Layout Shift

The key factors contributing to CLS include unstable elements that load at different speeds and shift content in the viewport. The CLS score is proportionate to the area these elements occupy and the distance they move.

Strategies to Minimize CLS on Your Website

Checklist for strategies to reduce CLS

To mitigate CLS issues, make sure to specify width and height attributes in your HTML markup. This helps the browser allocate sufficient space for the content, reducing layout shifts as the content loads.


Optimizing your CLS score is crucial for delivering an exceptional user experience. This guide has covered the key aspects of CLS, from understanding what it measures to practical strategies for improvement. Implement these insights to make your website more stable and responsive to user needs.

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